Opportunity details

Co-design of a very brief behavioural change approach to assist healthcare professionals discuss pulmonary rehabilitation with people with COPD

Share your opinions on how doctors should discuss pulmonary rehab with people living with COPD

Link to organisation:

Full description:

COPD is a lung condition that causes breathlessness. Pulmonary rehab (rehab for short) is an exercise programme that helps breathlessness, but few people are referred to it. We are inviting people with COPD to an online/telephone interview to discuss what doctors should say to their patients about rehab. We are interested in hearing from people who have never been to or dropped out of rehab, and people from ethnic minority backgrounds. Email chat_study@brunel.ac.uk or phone 01895265949 for info.

Opportunity Deadline

4th October 2024


As a gesture of thanks, you will be offered up to two £25 vouchers depending on how many parts of the study you get involved in.


Not applicable


Dr Claire Nolan, Brunel University London

Our challenge-led, interdisciplinary work in health and wellbeing focuses on understanding the relationships between biological, social, natural, and built environments and health and wellbeing outcomes. This innovative approach, linking together these different environmental exposures and contexts, offers the potential to develop a more holistic approach to understanding health and wellbeing. In addition, our research is focused on the development, implementation and evaluation of intervention


CHAT PATIENT PIS_V2 080524.docx



Respiratory disorders


UK wide

Involvement type:


What support is offered?

No experience of research is required. We will provide background information and any other support people may need to be able to contribute.

Can the work be done from home?


Suitable for a beginner?


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